20 - 22 May 2026
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Highlight Speakers

Anawach Phuengkasem
Regional Technical Manager - SEA
PATENT CO. agromed

Fabrizio Caruso
Aquaculture Technical Specialist

Benedetta Tugnoli, Phd
Global Technical Innovation Manager

Richard Paratte, PhD
Global Ruminant Technical Manager

Shailendra Singh
Vice President - Sales & Marketing
Evonik, Thailand

Dr. Pradeep Krishnan Rajalekshmy
Regional Technical Director
APAC, Evonik

Dr. Mubarak Ali
Regional Technical and Business Manager
Asia Pacific, Evonik

Dr. Girish Channarayapatna
Technical Service Director of Monogastrics Specialty Nutrition
Conference Agenda
Opening Ceremony
Time : 10:00-11:50
Location : Main Stage

Thách thức trong chăn nuôi & thủy sản - Tiềm năng ứng dụng giải pháp VNF hướng tới kinh tế tuần hoàn bền vững (The Challenges in Livestock & Aquaculture Farming - The Potential of Applying VNF's Solutions towards a Sustainable Circular Economy)
Conducted by Vietnam Food
Time : 11:20-11:50
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker : Nguyễn Thị Giang Anh - Trưởng bộ phận kinh doanh Dinh dưỡng vật nuôi (Ms. Nguyen Thi Giang Anh - Sales Manager)

Innovation in the Use of Botanical Additives in Shrimp Farming: The Sustainable Key for Maximizing Productivity and Health
Conducted by VETAGRO Inc.
Time : 13:00-13:30
Location : SUNFLOWER B
Speaker : Fabrizio Caruso, Aquaculture Technical Specialist, VETAGRO Inc.

Green and Sustainable Agricultural Development
Conducted by Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD)
Time : 13:00-16:00
Location : Conference A
Speaker :
1) Department of Livestock Production
2) Department of Fisheries
3) The National Agro-Forestry Fisheries Quality Assurance Department
4) Mr. Michel Guillaume, International Expert
5) Mr. Pieter Buijs, General Director of Big Dutchman Vietnam Co., Ltd.
6) LEAD ON Management System Consulting Company Limited

Converting Crop Structure and Digital Transformation in Agriculture - Some Issues and Solutions
Conducted by VARISME
Time : 13:00-16:00
Location : Main Stage
Speaker :
1) Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Chairman of Vietnam Association of Small and Medium Enterprises of Rural Industries (VARISME)
2) Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc – Director of MS2019 MASTE-RUMA Food Company Limited
3) Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hiep - Deputy Director of Institute of Informatics Research and Applied Economics
4) Ms. Bui Thi Thi - General Director of NTNC Joint Stock Company

Lối ra nào cho ngành gia cầm Việt Nam (What is the Way Out for Vietnam’s Poultry Industry?)
Conducted by Vietnam Poultry Association (VIPA)
Time : 13:00-17:00
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker :
1) TS. Phan Văn Lục, Phó Chủ tịch, Hiệp hội Chăn nuôi Gia cầm Việt Nam (Dr. Phan Van Luc, Vice Chairman, Vietnam Poultry Association)
2) TS. Lê Thanh Hải, PGĐ Trung tâm nghiên cứu và Phát triển Vigova (Dr. Le Thanh Hai, Deputy Director of Vigova Research and Development Center)
3) Ông Nguyễn Minh Đức GĐ Sản phẩm, Công ty TNHH Việt Pháp Quốc Tế (Mr. Nguyen Minh Duc, Product Director, Viet Phap International Company Limited)
4) Ông Phạm Huy Tuyến, ThS. GĐ kinh doanh toàn quốc, Cty TNHH Giống gia cầm Cao Khanh (Mr. Pham Huy Tuyen, MSc. National Sales Director, Cao Khanh Poultry Breeding Company Limited)
5) Lê Văn Trung -Trưởng bộ phận kỹ thuật gia súc, gia cầm.
(Mr. Le Van Trung - Head of Livestock and Poultry Technical Department.)
6) Lương Nguyễn Vân Anh Trợ lý giám đốc Cty TNHH Thuốc Thú y Á Châu (Ms. Luong Nguyen Van Anh - Assistant Director Asia Animal Pharmaceutical Limited Liability Company)
7) Ông Nguyễn Hồng Ngọc Thạch – Quản lý phát triển kinh doanh, Cty TNHH MTV Nutrispices (Mr. Nguyen Hong Ngoc Thach - Business Development Manager, Nutrispices LLC)

Vắc xin cho gà bằng phương pháp phun sương và quẹt hậu môn: cách làm và hiệu quả (Vaccinating Chickens via Spray and Vent-Brush Application: Method and Efficacy)
Conducted by Megavet
Time : 13:40-14:10
Location : SUNFLOWER B
Speaker : PGS.TS. Nguyễn Văn Giáp (Associate Professor - Doctor Nguyen Van Giap)

Status in Using Antibiotics and AMR Management Progress in Vietnam
Conducted by Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) & Vietnam Veterinary Association (VVA)
Time : 14:30-16:00
Location : SUNFLOWER B
Speaker :
1) Prof. Dau Ngoc Hao, VVA President
2) Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vo Thi Tra An, Lecturer of NONG LAM UNIVERSITY (NLU)
3) Dr. Nguyen Thanh Lam, Lecturer of Can Tho University (CTU)
4) MAI VAN HIEP DVM,MSc, Executive Committee Member, VVA (Moderator)

Time : 18:00-22:00
Location : TBA

Controlling Greenhouse Gases in Livestock Production
Conducted by Animal Husbandry Association of Vietnam (AHAV)
Time : 09:00-12:00
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker :
1) Dr. Nguyen Xuan Duong, Chairman of AHAV
2) Dr. Kim Jae Cheol, Director, CJ APAC Technical Solution Center
3) Master Ngo Tien Dung, Expert, TH True Milk
4) Dr. Luong Quang Huy, Head of Department
of Climate Change

Circular Agriculture: Green Farm & Clean Products
Conducted by Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD)
Time : 09:30-12:00
Location : Main Stage
Speaker :
1) Dr. Hạ Thúy Hạnh, Vice Chairman of VFAEA and VAWA
2) Mr. Ha Van Thang, Chairman of Vietnam Agricultural Business Council
3) Dr. Rosangela Poletto, Global Director of Science and Research of theCertified Humane Program. - HFAC
4) Mr. Dinh Hoang Thien, General Director of NHO Technology Company
5) Ms. Pham Thi Ngoc Ha, General Director of San Ha Company Limited
6) Representative of De Heus Company

Opportunities and Challenges for Vietnam's Livestock Industry
Conducted by Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development (MARD)
Time : 10:00-11:50
Location : Conference A
Speaker :
1) Division of Science, Technology, Environment and International Cooperation
2) Division of Animal Feed
3) Division of Animal Breeds

Maximizing Sow Performance through Cutting-edge Fiber Strategies
Conducted by PATENT CO. agromed
Time : 11:20-11:50
Location : SUNFLOWER B
Speaker : Anawach Phuengkasem, Regional Technical Manager - SEA, PATENT CO. agromed

Targeting Intestinal Health using Botanical Feed Additives: The Key for Animal Production Efficiency
Conducted by VETAGRO Inc.
Time : 13:00-14:10
Location : Main Stage
Speaker :
1. Benedetta Tugnoli, PhD, Global Technical Innovation Manager, VETAGRO Inc.
2. Richard Parette, PhD, Global Ruminant Technical Manager, VETAGRO Inc.

Salmonella, Campylobacter & Listeria Control
Conducted by Evonik Vietnam Limited Liability Company
Time : 13:40-14:10
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker : Shailendra Singh Vice President - Sales & Marketing, Evonik, Thailand

Know your Methionine Source
Conducted by Evonik Vietnam Limited Liability Company
Time : 14:20-14:50
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker : Dr. Pradeep Krishnan Rajalekshmy
Regional Technical Director, APAC, Evonik

The Best of Rendererd By-Productss Brazillian Renderers Business Connection Vietnam
Conducted by ABRA - Brazilian Renderers Association
Time : 14:20-16:30
Location : SUNFLOWER B
Speaker : TBA

Profitable and Sustainable Ruminant Production with Mepron®
Conducted by Evonik Vietnam Limited Liability Company
Time : 15:00-15:30
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker : Dr. Mubarak Ali
Regional Technical and Business Manager, Ruminant, Asia Pacific, Evonik

The French Expertise for the Vietnamese Market – Levers for the Decarbonation in the Livestock Sector
Conducted by Business France Vietnam
Time : 15:00-16:00
Location : Conference A
Speaker : Marion Chaminade Agri Food Counsellor Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, French Embassy in Vietnam

Gut Microbiome Modulation for Efficiency in Animal Production
Conducted by Evonik Vietnam Limited Liability Company
Time : 15:40-16:10
Location : SUNFLOWER A
Speaker : Dr. Girish Channarayapatna
Technical Service Director of Monogastrics Specialty Nutrition APAC

Develop Effective and Sustainable Beef Cattle and Meat Goat Farming
Conducted by Vietnam Ruminant Husbandry Association (VINARUHA)
Time : 09:00-12:30
Location : Conference A
Speaker :
1) Master La Van Thao - Head of General Department - Department of Livestock Production
2) Mr. Nguyen Van Buoi - Deputy Director of Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Ben Tre province
3) Master Nguyen Ngoc Kien - Deputy General Director of Hanoi Livestock Breeding Joint Stock Company
4) Master Nguyen Duc Dien - Deputy Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry - Tay Nguyen University
5) Ms. To Tue Lang - Chairman and General Director of APDC Company
6) Master Nguyen Van Tien - Associate Director Center for Research and Development of Large Cattle Breeding - Southern Livestock Sub-Institute
7) Dr. Phung The Hai – Director, Central Center for Large Cattle Breeds
8) Associate Professor, Dr. Le Thi Thuy - Director of Vietnam Institute of Animal Science and Technology

Connecting the Vietnamese Organic Product Market towards Sustainability in the Global Supply Chain
Conducted by Vietnam Ruminant Husbandry Association (VINARUHA)
Time : 09:30-12:00
Location : Main Stage
Speaker :
1) Mr. Ha Phuc Mich - Chairman of VOAA
2) Ms. Dang Thi Bich Huong, Vice Chairman and General Secretary of VOAA
3) Ms. Ngo Bich Quyen – Managing Director of Store Chain Organicfoodvn
4) Mr. Nguyen Van Hung - General Director of Vien Phu Trading & Production Company Limited
5) Ms. Nguyen Thi My Ngan - Director of Viethaus Company Limited
6) Mr. Albin Deforges - Representative of Naturland in Vietnam

Organized by
Công ty Cổ phần Triển lãm Công nghệ và Sự kiện Quốc tế (ITEC)
Địa chỉ: Số 6, ngõ 107, đường Trần Duy Hưng, phường Trung Hoà, quận Cầu giấy, TP. Hà Nội
Tel: +84 24 3556 2292
Fax: +84 24 3556 2293